TGauge Newsletter Archives

Your Newsletter - January 2025

January 31st 2025 GMT

Your Newsletter - January 2025 [1] Newsletter [IMAGE] Happy New Year folks. We're going to kick off this new year with a quick news update. As many of you will be aware there has been a shortage of the items you want to buy with a lot being out of stock for some time. This has been down to a lack of materials for making certain products, namely the ICE train, flexi-track, in fact track in general, and PWM controllers. This coupled with majo ...Continue Reading

Your Newsletter

March 16th 2024 GMT

Your Newsletter [1] Newsletter [IMAGE] It's been a while since our last newsletter but rest assured it's not for want of trying, we’ve been busy behind the scenes making some new products to make life more T-riffic! [2]You're Habbin' A Laugh! No we're not! Well yes we are, over how detailed and shiny this new 4-pack of 4-axle Habbin Wagons is. Designed for the covered transportation of large volume goods as well as palletised goods and road vehi ...Continue Reading

Your Newsletter

July 18th 2023 GMT

Your Newsletter [1] Newsletter [IMAGE] Hi Folks, Hope you're all having a great summer, or winter (depending on where you are in the World) we thought we'd kick our summer off with a short newsletter to let you know about some new products on the website that you may or may not have already seen. [2]Don't mind if we do. Yes, TGauge has made it to Canada with the Canadian National (CN) Railway EMD FP9 Loco No 6507 in their historic red, black a ...Continue Reading

Your Newsletter

September 2nd 2022 GMT

Your Newsletter [1] Newsletter [IMAGE] Hiya T-Gaugers, It's been a while hasn't it? Hope you're all well and enjoying your tiny worlds. Needless to say we've been busy since our last newsletter, trying to grow the range of rolling stock and accessories available for TGauge layouts, large and small alongside continuing the painstaking hand-build of the Class 08. Read on for more news and an all important Class 08 update... [2]old Min ...Continue Reading

A Thank-You, and an Update, from

December 30th 2021 GMT

TGauge Newsletter - A Thank-You, and an Update, from [1] A Thank-You, and an Update, from [IMAGE] As the year draws to an end we'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for your custom, support, and friendship in what has been another trying year for many. We send you all our good wishes and hope that you had a safe, happy and healthy festive season and while we're at it... give yet another quick update on where we are with the Class 08's ...Continue Reading

Your Newsletter

August 20th 2021 GMT

Your Newsletter [1] Newsletter [IMAGE] What... Two newsletters in one week? They've gone mad we hear you say. Not really, but we are getting there... we were going to do another one next week to include the Class 08 news but so many of you have written in we thought we'd best do it now... So here we go Class 08 News - We'll be honest, it's been a trial getting these together but happy to report that we have a few ready to start shipping n ...Continue Reading

Your Newsletter

August 17th 2021 GMT

Your Newsletter [1] Newsletter [IMAGE] Hi everyone, We hope you're all well and continuing to stay safe. We've been adding lots of new items to the website the past couple of weeks if you'd like to mosey on over and have a look. But we thought we'd take some of the leg work out of that for you byhighlighting a few of our favourites, and throwing a few offers in there for you too! There's a CoCo chassis (at last), Train Pack extension s ...Continue Reading

Your Newsletter

June 21st 2021 GMT

Your Newsletter [1] Newsletter [IMAGE] Hi All, We've a few things to share with you this mid-summer but firstly this email is to give a news update on the Class 08 progress... we know you've all been frustrated by the delays beset on the build and its ever-changing release dates, and we thank you wholeheartedly for your patience during this time. However, when we tell you this next bit of news, we're sure you'll be glad you're still waiting. ...Continue Reading

Your Newsletter

March 9th 2021 GMT

Your Newsletter [1] Newsletter [IMAGE] Hi everyone, how are you all doing? We've had a busy few months here at HQ with new stock arriving regularly to put some old favourites back in stock on the website. However, being in lock down since Boxing Day last year we've had minimal staff so we've not been able to get as many newsletters out to you as we'd have liked so far this year but we're feeling the positivity in the air today, maybe it's b ...Continue Reading

Merry Christmas from

December 24th 2020 GMT

Merry Christmas from [1] Merry Christmas from [IMAGE] 2020 That Was The Year That Was... or wasn't! * Class 08 News * Drummond LSW C14 * Plans for 2021 * Gift Certificates * EMails As the year draws to a close and we prepare to shut the office doors for a few days to go home, relax, eat, drink and reflect on the year that's passed sitting in a lounge that can only be described as resembling the inside of a glitterball ...Continue Reading
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