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Starter Sets

To get started in TGauge you need a train, track and a controller so what better way to gather everything you need than with one of our complete starter sets, which include all of that and a few extra essentials.
Straight out of the box these sets will operate on 3 x AA batteries (not included) or you can choose to power them with a Mains Adaptor (E-001) or USB cable (E-300)


All starter sets are temporarily out of stock, with the exception of the R-132/67. This is due to a material shortage for the production of the Control Box (E-012). With this in mind the R-132/67 sets are still available as they use the hand-held controller (E-013)

We expect normal production of these items to resume in the next couple of months.

Total Products: 19, Showing: 1 - 19