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Cutting Mat and Craft Knife Combo

Cutting Mat and Craft Knife Combo
Cutting Mat and Craft Knife Combo
Cutting Mat and Craft Knife Combo


Cutting Mat & #11 Craft Knife Set with 6 Carbon Steel Blades

The perfect worktop companions...Our TGauge Branded A6 Self Healing Cutting Mat and Hobby Craft Knife with 6 No 11 Blades.

The Cutting Mat
150mm x 115mm
1mm increments
1 degree increments to 90°
plus a 1:450 scale rule in Metres

The Craft Knife
Lightweight, comfortable, durable, round, red, stainless steel handle with 1 assembled blade with safety cap and 5 replacement blades in plastic storage case.

#11 blades are sharp and perfectly suited to a wide variety of precision cutting requirements including our many building kits, and with a bright red handle it's easy to find on your workbench which is certainly something we appreciate here.

Includes 4 jaw aluminium chuck for secure blade positioning.

Knife length including blade 140mm
Handle Diameter 8mm 

Offer includes one cutting mat and one knife handle with 6 blades.

Warning. You must be 18 or over to purchase this product. 

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