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Inverted Buckeye Coupler Set

Inverted Buckeye Coupler Set
Inverted Buckeye Coupler Set
Inverted Buckeye Coupler Set

Inverted (Non-Standard) Buckeye Coupler set.

With upward facing prongs instead of the standard downward facing prongs, these couplers are designed for use in the likes of 3D printed body shells – such as the Class 8 Shunter. This version allows for a stronger lower part of the coupler housing to be designed into the body shell without increasing the overall size.

Class 8 body shell section shown.

(2x) Type 'R' Buckeye Coupler 2.5mm stalk.

(2x) P-011 Spring

NOT a replacement coupler for 99% of standard rolling stock

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